Ma3mal612 Think Factory launches watercolor workshop

Ma3mal612 Think Factory launches watercolor workshop under the supervision of artist Salam Kanaan Ma3mal612 Think Factory, within the framework of the Identity and City project, launched a watercolor workshop under the supervision of artist Salam Kanaan on September 19, 2023. The workshop lasted for 7 weeks and included lessons in fine art, modern visual arts,…

Filmmaking to Support Freedom of Press Workshop

“Filmmaking to Support Freedom of Press” Workshop held on the 6th of May 2023. This insightful one day extensive workshop brought together 20 passionate young filmmakers and tv journalists , united in their commitment to explore the dynamic intersection of filmmaking and the fundamental value of freedom of the press. Topics Covered: The workshop aimed…

“When Past Meet Future” Music Workshop

On 27th of October 2021 Ma3mal612 and under Identity and the City Project launched a collaborative production program for 12  young musicians (2 emerging artists and 10 mid-career artists) who had the opportunity to be mentored, exchange knowledge and  produce original musical pieces reflecting their own musical taste and identity yet be grounded to the…

توقيع اتفاقية تعاون مشترك – الجامعة الأهليةA joint cooperation agreement – Al Ahliya University

A joint cooperation agreement has now been signed between Ma3mal 612 ThinkFactory Association for the “Identity and The City” project, Organisers of the KARAMA Human Rights Film Festival, and Al-Ahliyya University to establish the Al-Ahliyya University Film Festival, and for mutual academic and technical cooperation.

Scenario Workshop

افتتح معمل 612 للأفكار ضمن مشروع الهوية والمدينة أولى جلسات تطوير السيناريوهات والأفلام تحت مظلة وزارة الثقافة الأردنية وذلك في إطار “مهرجان الأردن الدولي للأفلام” في دورته التاسعة. جلسات التطوير مع الشباب كتاب السيناريو والمخرجين الفائزة أفلامهم ستكون تحت اشراف المخرج إيهاب الخطيب والكاتب ياسر قبيلات