
Cinema in Refuge Program

Project Brief

Cinema in Refuge (CiR) is a travelling mini-film festival that focuses on screenings of films that are geared toward human rights aimed at refugees in camps. The name of the festival “Cinema in Refuge” compliments the general state of refugees; fleeing towards a space that resonates with hope and fosters creativity.

Throughout the years, Ma3mal 612 has held several editions of the Cinema in Refuge program both in Jordan and Lebanon’s camps, by utilizing rich content in the form of film packages from the Karama Human Rights Film Festival.

The CiR film package includes a selection of carefully curated films that are used as a source for the content of these outreach screenings, with a prioritized focus on advocating for human rights issues. Moreover, a number of directors and specialists are invited to join the screenings in order to engage with the audiences so as to gear post-screening discussions to constructive debates where viewers can freely express themselves and release their sentiments and thoughts in a safe environment.

The CiR film package includes a selection of carefully curated films that are used as a source for the content of these outreach screenings, with a prioritized focus on advocating for human rights issues. Moreover, a number of directors and specialists are invited to join the screenings in order to engage with the audiences so as to gear post-screening discussions to constructive debates where viewers can freely express themselves and release their sentiments and thoughts in a safe environment.

Infograph Film 2024 : "Where To Seek Refuge"

A Ma3mal Film Production

On the seventy-sixth anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, we remember the pain and suffering experienced and still being experienced by Palestinian refugees and others in the Arab world. Occupation and wars not only destroy cities but also devastate lives. Millions of refugees seek safety, hope, and dignity, and the restoration of their fundamental rights.

2024 Cinema In Refuge Events

Al Zarqa' & Rusaifeh| Screenings

May 2024 – We are pleased to continue presenting thought-provoking film packages, followed by critical discussion sessions in halls filled with a diverse audience, at the Family Awareness and Guidance Center in Zarqa Governorate, and the Working Women Organization in Rusaifeh. The screening continued over two sessions where short films were presented and discussed. This event was organized in partnership with Karama Festival and the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation to Support Human Rights Defenders, and organized by the Ma3mal 612 Think Factory.

AL ZARQA' & RUSAIFEH| Video Highlights


Watch Artistic Trailer

Watch 2023 Panel Discussion In Karama Film Festival